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  • ESR’s STVG

    Here is ESR's highly acclaimed Sales Training Vendor Guide, Third Edition.

Predictive Testing For Salespeople. No Reason Not To Do It.

I’ve been a proponent of psychometric/predictive testing for salespeople for many years.  I was a non-believer until Nancy Martini, now CEO at PI Worldwide, put me through their Predictive Index and SSAT (see below) in 2001.  After I took the two tests online, Nancy emailed me the manager’s version of my results and I nearly fell off my chair—the appraisal was that accurate.

My friend,  sales trainer Steve Waterhouse, is a PI consultant as well.  Those tests are terrific tools for a sales trainer to have for diagnosis.

Let me state this clearly:  One of the root causes of the many B2B sales challenges companies have today is that they have too many unqualified people in sales jobs.  Among ESR’s clients and the companies we spoke with as many as 25% to 33% (depending on the industry) of sales people aren’t suited for the jobs they hold.  That means, based upon skill and trait gaps between what is required for success and what those reps possess, there isn’t enough time or money for them to ever come up to speed.  The solution is simple, but not easy.  Don’t hire people that can’t get the job done.

We know for a fact that profiling and a structured interview process are critical for hiring success.  We also know that psychometric and skills testing saves interview cycle time and significantly reduces risk.

I posed some questions to Todd Harris, Ph.D., Director of Research at PI Worldwide.

Dave Stein: Why is predictive testing so important for a company’s sales effectiveness?

Todd Harris: Twenty-five years of research clearly indicates that personality factors significantly impact sales success.  For example, in a recent Predictive Index® (PI) study of 32 outside sales representatives tasked with selling manufacturing equipment to medium-sized businesses, those who were more independent, confident, assertive and embracing of change achieved over five times more sales volume during a 27-month period than those who were not.

DS: How accurate are your tests? Continue reading