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    On of May 8, 2009, I moved my blog over to a new domain: DaveSteinsBlog.ESResearch.com

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  • ESR’s STVG

    Here is ESR's highly acclaimed Sales Training Vendor Guide, Third Edition.

What To Focus Your Salespeople On During These Turbulent Times

Start by asking your salespeople, one at a time, this question:

Specifically, what can we do as a company, and you do as a unique resource, to get each of your current customers through this difficult economic period?

If they’re focused on anything else, maybe they’re focused on the wrong thing.

Am I right about this?

4 Responses

  1. Dave,

    I always enjoy your thoughts and consider you to be one of the most credible and valuable thought leaders in the industry I love!

    Today’s post was pure genius. What is even more exciting for those reading is that this philosophy of helping your customers do better is a great strategy when times are doing good too! After all, if you help them grow…quite often your customer needs to buy more :).


  2. My suggestion would be to stop focusing on how bad everyone says it is and just get out their and sell.

  3. Brilliant question Dave and I would think a great topic for the next all-hands weekly/monthly sales conference call.

    The next question might be “how can we help our customers build a business case to get the funding they need to solve pressing problems?”

  4. I try to give my clients referrals, and ask them for extra business cards to do it with. When I do get them a referral they see I care about their success sincerely, and want to return the favor. (And even if it doesn’t happen right away, they like that I asked for business cards to make it a memorable referral.)

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